Live2D Models

All prices in USD. I do not offer rig only for art that is not mine.

Only Art

No rigging. Package only includes .psd files ready for rig.

Head and Shoulders

Does not include the chest area and stops right below the collarbone. 


Half Body

Stops at the wrist and does not include the hands.


Full Body


Art + Rig

Full Package.

Head and Shoulders

Does not include the chest area and stops right below the collarbone.


Half Body

Stops at the wrist and does not include the hands.


Full Body


Package Details

Rigged models are compatible with VTube Studio (and optionally VBridger). All models come with:

  • 3 expressions: sad, shocked, and blushing.
  • 3 toggles for accessories.

Additional Costs

Character Type Costs

Masculine character

No additional cost due to preference. 


Feminine character with smaller or no chest

Does not require jiggle physics in chest area.


Feminine character with larger chest

Requires jiggle physics in the chest area.

Note: For head and shoulders models, this fee does not apply because chest will not be drawn at all.


Character with long hair

If it is longer than shoulder length hair.


Mismatching Eyes

From simple heterochromia to a completely different shaped eye.

+$30 -  $100

Other Costs + Addons


Missing character reference sheet

Client does not have a character reference sheet but has at least art references and/or a well organized google document. 

Feel free to contact me if you are not sure if your references are detailed enough.


Private Model

I will not upload any progress shots / videos on social media.

+5% of Base Price

Mouth X

Mouth can move from side to side. iPhone tracking in VTube Studio only.


Cheek Puff

Cheek will puff out when holding air in the mouth. iPhone tracking in VTube Studio only.


Basic VBridger Mouth

Add VBridger compatibility with mouth. iPhone tracking in VTube Studio only.


Advanced (PerfectSync) VBridger Mouth

Add complex VBridger mouth. iPhone tracking in VTube Studio only.

Example applied here


        Additional Toggles

Once a character is bought, additional outfits and expressions are available depending on complexity.  

Small Accessories and Expressions

Rings, ties, crying, angry, etc. Priced based on complexity.

$25 - $50

Larger Accessories / Clothing Part

Hats, Cat Ears, Shirts, pants, dresses, etc. Priced based on complexity.

$80 - $200

Full Outfit Change

Includes and head accessories, shirt, pants, shoes, etc. Priced based on complexity.

$200 - $500


Half Body

@BrobotBambo (Twitter) 

Full Body


Full Body


Half Body

@liffeh (Twitter)

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