Terms of Service

By commissioning me, you must accept these terms.

1. Payment: All upfront or payment plans can be chosen based on the type of commission.

  • Regular art: All upfront or 50% of the price. If the 50% option is chosen, the other 50% must be paid upon receipt and approval of the sketch.
  • Live2D Model - Art Only: All upfront or 50% of the price. If the 50% option is chosen. the other 50% must be paid upon receipt and approval of the sketch.
  • Live2D Model - Art + Rig: 3 choices: 1) All upfront, 2) pay the full price for Art Only, then pay for rig after the art is completed, 3) pay 50% of the price of Art Only. Once the sketch is finished, pay the other 50% of Art Only. When the art is completed, pay for the rig.
  • References and Designs: All upfront or 50% of the price. If the 50% option is chosen, the other 50% must be paid upon receipt and approval of the sketch.
  • Emotes: All upfront only.

2. Refund Policy:  Only partial refunds are allowed due to the cost of scheduling. Refund amounts differ per type of commission.

  • Regular art: Only partial refunds for clients who pay all upfront. Will only refund a maximum of 50% of the price, and only if I have not started lining and colouring.
  • Live2D Model - Art Only: Only partial refunds for clients who pay all upfront. Will only refund a maximum of 50% of the price, and only if I have not started lining and colouring.
  • Live2D Model - Art + Rig: Based on what is paid in full. If rig is paid for, will refund the rig amount if I have not started on the rig. If all art is paid for, will refund 50% of Art Only if I have not started lining and colouring.
  • References and Designs: Only partial refunds for clients who pay all upfront. Will only refund a maximum of 50% of the price, and only if I have not started lining and colouring.
  • Emotes: No refunds.

3. Service and Edits: Will frequently send updates and ask for feedback. Delays in the art piece will be dependent on the client response rate. Large edits such as pose, composition, and outfits will be not allowed after the sketch stage. Mistakes such as colour inaccuracies and details can be corrected at any stage.

4. Artist Rights: I retain rights to my art and to display them for commission samples, portfolios, and etcetera. I also retain the right to reject any commission request.

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